In 1982, in the months leading up to the release of The Dreaming single, we first had the idea of making a Kate Bush fanzine. Over the following 30 years we put out 79 issues, full of news and information about Kate and her music and associated subjects, providing a platform for review and discussion of Kate’s work on a worldwide basis. On the way we also organised, with the official Kate Bush Club, the 1985, 1990, and 1994 fan Conventions, the 1986 Video Party, all of which Kate attended. We also organised the fan contribution to the video shoot for The Big Sky. We were asked to provide the chronology and discographies for the 1987 Kate Bush Complete music and lyric book from EMI Music Publishing, and the sleeve note for the 1997 EMI 100 remastered CD of Hounds of Love.

The last printed HomeGround magazine was published at the end of 2011 and rapidly sold out. It was followed in March 2014 by the hugely successful two-volume HomeGround Anthology, containing over 1,200 pages of material from all 79 issues.
In May 2022 it will be 40 years since the first issue of HomeGround, and we felt we should mark the occasion with a very special issue – issue 80. Our intention is to make this available as a free downloadable PDF enabling us to use full colour.
Just as no previous issue of HomeGround could have happened without contributions from Kate Bush fans around the globe this special issue cannot happen without your help.
We will be producing the familiar news and a special retrospective summary of the last ten years in the Kate Speaking world. What we need are other features, artwork, poetry, short “Letters to the Editor” and even For Sale, Wanted, and Personal Message ads, just as we always did.
Here are some ideas for articles: there’s the work Kate has done since 2012, the 2014 Before the Dawn live performances, the 2015 live album, the 2018 re-masters and The Other Sides, and the Record Shop Day specials. 40 years of The Dreaming. Last words on 50 Words for Snow and the animations. Tribute Bands and tribute gigs, cover versions and Kate songs on TV talent shows. Inspired fictional stories. Reviews and reactions to the many and various Kate related books now available. The trials and tribulations of collecting Kate material. Charts and facts. That day you met Kate. The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever, tales of fan conventions and other Kate fan meet ups. The wider KateSphere – Paddy and John Carder Bush, Beck Sian, Sarah Daly, Raven Bush …
But generally, whatever might have a connection to Kate’s music. Before now we have run material as diverse as the appropriate whisky to drink with each album, to an analysis of the Red Shoes myth. We are looking forward to your contributions. Have a go!
Our aim is to have the issue ready by 18th May 2022, the official HomeGround birthday, so four months.
Please send submissions to and otherwise contact us at
So looking forward to the magazine rollout.
Thankyou. We’re quite excited to be producing HomeGround again.
Joe Dunch
Would you be interested in original artwork? Magazine reviews of earlier works? Photos of magazine covers?
Hello Joe,
Definitely interested in original artwork of Kate.
Diane Burchers
What is the deadline for submissions?
Hello Diane,
Our working deadline will be 15th April 2022. Thanks for your interest.
Oh i’ve just cum. 🤗 words by Kate 😉
,,what a great splendid news,,,,, a new Homeground
Looking forward to it,
I also wil send something to you
All the love
Thanks Ger,
We’ll look forward to your material as we always did.
Could you mention the people who worked with Kate as musicians and dancers who are no longer with us?
Please let me have a copy
Posted too soon! Gow Hunter and Lindsay Kemp for example in an In Memorial section.
Yes, it would absolutely right to remember these special people.
Caroline Porter
I’m so delighted to hear this! I listened to Kate as a child with my dad. The Whole Story was our perpetual soundtrack on the way to see my nana. Many years later, my dad sadly passed away, and my connection to him is through his music. Kate Bush and Joni Mitchell are the only two ladies who ever turned his head, apart from my mum. I now adore Kate and the memories she has given me.
Miss Homeground issues .. this nice celebration indeed,,,
Len Bullard
Hello Len, great to hear from you!
Would love to write a piece for this. When I met Kate, fleetingly…
Please do!
Doug New
Can I write about when I spoke with Kate?